
Sample Javascript Code to Validate File Upload Image Input For Google My Business Logo API Recommended Resolution

This code is from Chat GPT:
Prompt: Write a javascript code to validate file upload image for google my business logo api recommended resolution

Here’s a sample JavaScript code to validate file upload image for Google My Business logo API recommended resolution (minimum of 250 x 250 pixels and maximum of 7680 x 7680 pixels, in PNG or JPG format):

const fileInput = document.getElementById('file-upload-input');
const errorMsg = document.getElementById('error-msg');
const submitBtn = document.getElementById('submit-btn');

const validateImage = () => {
  const file = fileInput.files[0];
  const img = new Image();
  img.onload = function() {
    const width = this.width;
    const height = this.height;
    if (width < 250 || height < 250) {
      errorMsg.innerHTML = 'Image size must be at least 250x250 pixels.';
      submitBtn.disabled = true;
    } else if (width > 7680 || height > 7680) {
      errorMsg.innerHTML = 'Image size must not exceed 7680x7680 pixels.';
      submitBtn.disabled = true;
    } else if (file.type !== 'image/png' && file.type !== 'image/jpeg') {
      errorMsg.innerHTML = 'Image must be in PNG or JPG format.';
      submitBtn.disabled = true;
    } else {
      errorMsg.innerHTML = '';
      submitBtn.disabled = false;
  img.onerror = function() {
    errorMsg.innerHTML = 'Invalid image file.';
    submitBtn.disabled = true;
  img.src = URL.createObjectURL(file);

fileInput.addEventListener('change', validateImage);

In this code, we first get the file input element, the error message element, and the submit button element. We then define a function validateImage that will be called every time the file input changes. Inside this function, we get the selected file, create an Image object, and set its onload and onerror events. The onload event will be called when the image is successfully loaded, and we can get its width and height to validate its size and format. If the image is invalid, we set the error message and disable the submit button. If the image is valid, we clear the error message and enable the submit button.

Note that in this code, we use the URL.createObjectURL method to create a temporary URL for the selected file, so that we can load it into the Image object. This method creates a URL that can be used to refer to the file, but it doesn’t actually upload the file to the server. You will need to handle the file upload separately, depending on your server-side implementation.

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